Monday, August 24, 2015


I chose the FYS, From Grimm to Disney, because I am fascinated by German history and culture. As Jack Zipes explains in his book, The Brothers Grimm, the uncovering of Naturpoesie can bring enlightenment to the "natural essence" of ancient Germanic culture and literature. Naturpoesie focuses on das Ganze or das Volk, as it was spoken and passed down by and for the people.

I have always loved Disney movies (as most children do). The sense of whimsy and optimism paired with catchy music makes for quite the trifecta. Unfortunately (or fortunately), many people do not know the true stories behind all the amazement Disney provides.

This semester I hope to gain a better understanding of the Grimm's fairy tales, regarding their underlying themes and reflection of German culture. Many selections of literature offer subtle, controversial interpretations. Additionally, I would like to delve into the adaptations instituted by Disney to create a child friendly fairy tale. When one discovers the true intention or story behind the quaint Disney films, it can be quite a shock.

As a German student I have had the pleasure (I use the term pleasure lightly) of reading some excerpts from Struwwelpeter. As far as expectations for the content of the Grimm's fairy tales goes, I assume they will fall along the same gothic lines.

My favorite fairy tale is Little Red Riding Hood, because it was the first fairy tale I had ever been told. However, I was told this story as a child and therefore it was censored (to a certain extent). I'm not entirely sure which events correspond to the original version, if I'm being completely honest. I suppose it's a good thing I'm taking this class then.

Zipes, Jack. "The Origin and Reception of the Tales." The Brothers Grimm: From 
     Enchanted Forests to the Modern World. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. 
     25-64. Print.